First National Bank is actively engaged with our third-party core provider to resolve an issue relating to debit card transaction postings. Our organization is one of several financial institutions around the nation affected as our core provider also services thousands of banks and credit unions.
This complication resulted in pre-authorization charges remaining on the customer’s transaction list even after the item posted to the account. As a result, some customers’ balances reflect a duplicate charge on certain items.
Our bank is engaged with our provider to ensure this issue is corrected in a timely manner and customers can rest assured that their balances will reflect the correct amounts after a resolution is reached. For many account holders, this issue has already been resolved and we expect the corrections to continue throughout the day. In addition, we will ensure that any associated fees are refunded.
First National Bank takes great pride in servicing our customers and providing them with a seamless banking experience. We work to hold our third-party vendors to the same standard and will continue to communicate with them the importance of ensuring a positive, hassle-free environment for account holders.
We appreciate the patience and understanding of our customers and will always advocate on their behalf when it comes to their financial needs.